A running pictorial of my back yard tomato garden...

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Location: Commerce, Texas, United States

Love to travel, eat strange foods and meet different peoples. Most of all I love my life, my wife, my children and my Grandchildren. Check out:

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

2007 Garden

As I sit here and plan my '07 garden, I am thinking how bad the weather has been the last two years. Watering a large garden in a dought year is NO FUN! So I will hedge my bet this year and plant a smaller garden (twenty plants). My plan is to plant my seeds on March 3rd 2007. This way I should be able to get plants outside after the last freeze. The last freeze last year for this area was March 22, 23 & 24, 2006.

I have heard it said, if you want to hear God laugh, tell him your plans. Well there you have it. I will plant on another year and take what comes...

From Tomatolandia, happiness & health!

ps. Will post pictures as the garden and plants grow...