A running pictorial of my back yard tomato garden...

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Location: Commerce, Texas, United States

Love to travel, eat strange foods and meet different peoples. Most of all I love my life, my wife, my children and my Grandchildren. Check out:

Tuesday, February 28, 2006

This years (2006) crop begging to go outside and play. Eight varieties, Classica, Rocky (both paste), Momotaro (Japan), Peron (South America), Sioux, Early Pick, Solar Set and Persimmon. Posted by Picasa

This years crop. Picture taken on 2/18/06 of a Solar Set tomato plant (approx. 12 in. tall including pot. I have 115 plants growing...Someone start a group, I am out of control... Posted by Picasa

My '05 tomato forest. Some plants went over 10 feet tall including barrel of course... Posted by Picasa

Rhino tomato: a tomato with attitude or genetic engineering out of control? Posted by Picasa

Salsa, food of the Gods... All fresh ingredients. The neighbors are already looking for excuses to come over... Posted by Picasa

Tomatos picked on 6/19/05. Several varieties. Posted by Picasa

Picture taken by my 4 yr. old grand-niece Payton on 2/25/06. Posted by Picasa

The Joy of the Tomato

Tomato gardening has taken over my life. I am lost! I am now container gardening in 55 gal. drums cut in half. So I guess they are 27.5 gal. containers. Have been having really great success!
If you know my pain (ha ha) , it's a joyful death...